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Find Your True Direction 

How do I heal Myself?

 Physical illness and emotional issues are often originating from experiences in the past. Simply understanding why discomfort is being experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved and removed. Remarkable healing has occurred during QHHT sessions and nothing is beyond the realm of possibility

How do connect with my "Higher Self"?

What's My Purpose?

QHHT helps to lift the veil on our true purpose. and answers the questions: How did I get to where I am? Why is my life like it is? More importantly, QHHT can help you find the best path as you continue your journey through this life…and into the next.

Discover your true self?

The "Original Life Force Energy" or Higher Self" is the larger, universally connected part of each one of us. It is always communicating with you and it sees the bigger picture. It knows everything about each of us and it wants to help in the best way possible.

With the continued expansion of human consciousness comes the ability for everyone to be more aware in their day to day life. When you are more aware in deeper levels of consciousness you will learn more about who you are, how you became you, and what the best version of you can be.

QHHT Provides Profound Experiences.

With its focus on finding deeper meaning, unlocking inner power, and tapping into the reality of past lives, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) enables you to discover the forces that continue to impact your life. There are many possibilities of things you might experience, but also know that you will be shown what you need to know, so whatever comes through is perfect for you

Discover a past life
Discover a past life
Discover a past life

What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®)

QHHT®, is a revolutionary technique developed by world renowned hypnotherapist author and teacher Dolores Cannon. This technique takes you beyond the usual past life regression and into a place where clarity, understanding and healing can be found by speaking to that part of you that really does know the answer to every question……your Higher Self

Where am I headed?
Discover a past life
Where is my life going?
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